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Resource: BOOK (B2101) So Loing, Normal: Living and Loving the Free Fall of Faith Book     
Series: (K401=) So Long, Normal Video Study: Living And Loving The Free Fall Of Faith
Author: Laura Story
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Curriculum, 2021
Length: 207 Pages
Location: Spiritual Growth
# Copies: 2
ISBN/ISSN: 9780785248521
Description: o Long, Normal is a study in Scripture that will help anyone who finds themselves paralyzed by fear in the inevitable changes of life. Though we are tempted to lean on normalcy, predictability and control for security, God calls us to something far better. Laura Story looks at the obstacles of attachment to comfort and sameness we all grip with two hands when our circumstances change. She leads the way to the starting line where we begin to view our changes of plans as opportunities for adventure, rather than pitfalls of anxiety, and together we learn to further trust our unknown future to a faithful God.

In life, change is inevitable but there is a way to still thrive. When we say goodbye to normal, our joy and peace are no longer tethered to our circumstances we can truly experience the abundant life Christ offers his children.

This five-session study helps us recognize that our attachments to so many varied things in our daily lives can be the exact things keeping us from experiencing the kind of life God intends, and actually defines in Scripture. So many characters in Scripture wanted to hold onto something or have assurances, but ultimately, the abundant life comes down to wanting the life God intends and being willing to go after it or step into it with excitement. The adventure begins with the first step of trust.

1. What's So Bad About Normal? (18:00)
2. So Long, Familiar (20:00)
3. So Long, Self (23:00)
4. Hello, New Life (22:00)
5. Hello, Unknown (24:00)
Age Groups: Adult (30-55)

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