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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (DVD8906) The Wonder of Christmas     
Author: Ed Robb, Rob Renfroe, Bert Snyder, Susan Kent
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 2016
Length: 47 mins
Subjects: Adult Studies; Christmas/Advent; Jesus
Location: 2
# Copies: 1
Description: This is an exciting Advent experience that explores the true wonder of Christmas through the lens of four elements of the Christmas story: a star, a name, a manger, and a promise. As we look to these aspects of the Christmas story, we will rediscover that the true wonder of Christmas is found in the love of Christ and made real in our hearts when we share that love with others.
Four sessions, each led by a different presenter:
1. The Wonder of a Star - Rob Renfroe (11:24)
2. The Wonder of a Name - Bert Snyder (12:00)
3. The Wonder of a Manger - Ed Robb (11:41)
4. The Wonder of a Promise - Susan Kent (11:32)

All of the presenters are pastors on staff at The Woodlands UMC in The Woodlands, Texas.
Includes DVD, book, leader guide, and devotions book.

Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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