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Resource: DVD (DVD8593) Reckless Love: Jesus' Call To Love Our Neighbor copy 2     
Author: Tom Berlin
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 2019
Length: 61 mins
Subjects: Adult Studies; Christian Life/Discipleship; Faith Sharing; Jesus
Location: 7
# Copies: 1
Description: Love God more deeply by learning to love your neighbor better.

In this study, an exploration of Jesus' teaching and travels with his disciples, Tom Berlin suggests that Jesus teaches us how to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength by showing us how to love our neighbor. Many hope to learn how to be better family, friends, leaders, and neighbors by finding a deeper relationship with God.

But maybe we have it a little backward. What if we turned that around and put the emphasis on loving our family, friends, leaders, and, yes, our neighbors? Might we then find that becoming a better neighbor leads us into the deep and loving relationship we’re striving to have with God?

In Reckless Love, you will consider how to follow the Greatest Commandment and learn how your love for the people around you can completely renew your faith and give you a new experience of loving God.

Six sessions:
1. Begin with Love (9:28)
2. Expand the Circle (11:06)
3. Lavish Love (8:32)
4. Openhearted Love (11:02)
5. Value the Vulnerable (9:27)
6. Emulate Christ (11:15)

Includes DVD, 144-page book, and 64-page leader guide.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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