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Resource: DVD (DVD8583) When Compassion Meets Action     
Author: John Ortberg, Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
Publisher: Tyndale, 2017
Length: 125 mins
Subjects: Adult Studies; Christian Life/Discipleship
Location: 3
# Copies: 1
Description: If it's true that we are the sum of the decisions we make across a lifetime, then what two or three big decisions would you point to that helped form who you are today?

This curriculum is designed to help you reflect on the choices you make on a daily basis and your willingness to walk through the open doors God has provided in your life. You will be encouraged to make choices that align with God's priorities as you begin the journey toward more compassionate living.

Included is a study guide that contains discussion questions, study suggestions, and ideas for practical application that will help you get the most out of this study. It will encourage you to shift your habits in order to become a more effective conduit of God's blessing and grace.

Five sessions:
1. Decisions, Decisions
2. The Real Reason You're Here
3. The Power of "Your People"
4. The Church at It's Best
5. When "Yes" Spreads

Includes DVD, 101-page study guide, and a booklet called "Compassionate Living Starts Here."
Age Groups: None specified.

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