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Resource: Curriculum (CUR2568) Dare to Dream Children's Leader Guide     
Author: Mike Slaughter and Sally Hoelscher
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 2013
Length: 63 Pages
Subjects: Children Curriculum; Children's Ministries
Location: 5 - study guides
# Copies: 1
Description: God has a dream for all of us, including children. This is Mike Slaughter's inspiring message in Dare to Dream, a churchwide series for adults, youth, and children.
In this Children's Leader Guide, gifted Christian educator Sally Hoelscher interprets Slaughter's message for children, teaching them about their gifts and the richness of God's developing plans for their lives. The six-week study has session plans for each week, including activity centers, games, play acting, crafts, and reproducible handouts. This guide contains ideas for younger children (ages 5-7) and older children (ages 8-11).
6 Sessions:
1. God's Presence
2. God's Plans
3. Messages from God
4. No Excuses
5. Use Your Gifts
6. Keep Loving God
Age Groups: Preschool; Lower elementary; Upper Elementary

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