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Resource: Book (BK70072) Upside Living in a Downside Economy     
Author: Mike Slaughter
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 2009
Length: 96 Pages
Subjects: Adult Studies; Church Finance; Personal Finance; Stewardship
Location: 6 - Stewardship
# Copies: 1
Description: During difficult economic times, it's tough not to focus on getting by with less and waiting for the next bit of bad news. But, as Christians, how do we respond to what's happening on Wall Street?
In this book, pastor and author Mike Slaughter offers insight into seeking God's perspective in our daily money concerns. With clarity and a servant's heart, Slaughter addresses vital topics such as financial and spiritual investments, personal motivation and God's will, money and marriage, and determining priorities.
Written for individual and small-group study, this book will guide readers in strengthening their spiritual connection while making economic corrections and, most important, responding according to God's plan.
Age Groups: None specified.

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