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Resource: DVD (DVD1288) Dare to Dream     
Author: Mike Slaughter
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 2013
Length: 49 mins
Subjects: adult ministry ; Adult Studies; Discipleship
Location: 6
# Copies: 1
Description: Subtitled Creating a God-Sized Mission Statement For Your Life, this DVD is a six-week study by popular author and pastor Mike Slaughter of Ginghamsburg Church in Ohio. Slaughter draws on the Bible and a lifetime of ministry to help us discern God's dream for us and learn to live it out prayerfully and enthusiastically.

Included is a book, a preview booklet, and a leader guide which contains everything you need to guide your group through the lessons. Inside you'll find session plans, discussion questions, and activities, as well as multiple format options and suggestions of ways to make the study a meaningful experience for any group.
Sessions are:
Introduction (1:05)
1. Dreaming the Dream (7:54)
2. Discovering Your Birthright (8:31)
3. Your Burning Bush (8:59)
4. Lose Your Big Buts (7:09)
5. What is in Your Hand? (7:47)
6. Perseverance (8:19)
Age Groups: Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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