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Resource: DVD (DVD1259) All I Want for Christmas: Opening the Gifts of God's Grace     
Author: James W. Moore
Publisher: Abingdon, 2016
Length: 50 mins
Subjects: Adult Studies; Christian Life/Discipleship; Christmas/Advent
Location: 2
# Copies: 1
Description: From the time the wise men brought gifts to Jesus, Christmas has been a time of giving. We give gifts to our loved ones, to the less fortunate, to the church, to favorite charities, to family, to friends, and even to our pets. In the best spirit of Christmas we give and receive Christmas gifts, remembering the greatest Christmas gift of all: God's gift of the Christ Child, God's gift to us of a Savior.
As we give and receive Christmas gifts, it is incredibly important to remember that the best Christmas gifts are wrapped in heaven. Unfortunately, sometimes we concentrate so much on the gifts we want to give and receive from one another that we miss the special gifts Christmas has for us. Christmas has some amazing gifts for us, but the truth is that we need the miracle of God's grace to see them, feel them, hear them, wrap our arms around them, and celebrate them. This study asks a very personal question: What are the gifts you would really like to receive from Christmas this year? And that is what this book is all about: our thoughts and ruminations about the amazing, life-changing gifts Christmas has for us!

This study has five sessions - one for each week of Advent and one for Christmas. Each session's DVD segment will run 8-10 minutes. The session titles are:
1. The Gift of Good News
2. The Gift of a New Understanding
3. The Gift of a Strong Foundation
4. The Gift of a New Style of Living
5. Christmas Gifts We Can Pass on to Others

Included are the DVD, a leader's guide, and a book.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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