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Resource: Book (B4170) Human Rites: The power of Rituals, Habits, and Sacraments     
Author: Dru Johnson
Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2019
Length: 148 Pages
Subjects: Christian Life; Sacraments; Worship
Location: 3E
# Copies: 1
Description: What are we doing when we gather around the sacraments -- or when we make the same breakfast every morming? Embodying rituals. We are, after all, what we abide. We emit what we admit. By inviting us to think through our own behaviors with deeper discernment and a lively attentiveness to God's righteousness, the author invites us to consider, as prophetic thinking always does, the question of authority. What do righteous rites look like? How might our perverse designations give way to more beautiful orderings of our own energy expenditure from day to day?
Age Groups: None specified.

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