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Resource: Kit (K157) Nooma - 007-012     
Author: Bell, Rob
Publisher: Zondervan
Subjects: Faith; Spirituality
Location: 2W/YM
# Copies: 1
Description: NOOMA is a series of short films that explore our world from a perspective of Jesus. Nooma is an invitation to search, question, and join the discussion.

7. Luggage - 13 min.
Why is it sometimes so hard to forgive?

8. Dust - 14 min.
What does God see in us?

9. Bullhorn - 12 min.
Can we really love God without loving others?

10. Lump - 12 min
What do we do when out past catches up to us?

11. Rhythm - 12 min.
Are our lilves in tune with God's plan for the world?

12. Matthew - 14 min.
How do we deal with the pain we suffer when we lose someone we love?
Age Groups: None specified.

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