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Resource: Kit (K155) Nooma 013-018     
Author: Bell, Rob
Publisher: Zondervan
Subjects: Faith; Spirituality
Location: 2W/YM
# Copies: 1
Description: Nooma is a series of short films that explore our world from a perspective of Jesus. Nooma is an invitation to searach, question, and join the discussion.

13. Rich - 12 min.
Is it possible thatGod has blessed us so that we can be a blessing to others?

14. Breathe - 14 min
Is our physical breath aactually a picture of a deeper spiritual reality?

15. You - 13 min.
Do we get so hung up on debating and defending our faith that we miss out on the point of it?

16. Store - 14 min.
Is anger the issue, or is the real problem what you get angry about?

17. Today - 11 min.
Can we become so consumed with the past that we can't see the beauty of today?

18. Name - 11 min.
Are we so concerned with what others think that we miss out on who God created us to be?
Age Groups: None specified.

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