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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Book (265.1-1949) Place for You, A: My Holy Communion Book     
Author: Erlander, Dan
Publisher: Erlander, Dan, 1999
Vendor: Erlander, Dan
Length: 18 Pages
Subjects: Baptism; Children, Teaching Resources; COMMUNION; Sacraments
Location: BK
# Copies: 1
Description: A "welcome book"--a story of Jesus who invites you to his special meal called "Holy communion". This booklet is for children to read (and color), parents and child care givers to read and discuss with their children and for teachers to use with classes studying holy communion. Erlander emphasizes that there is "always room for another" at the communion table.
Age Groups: Lower elementary; Upper Elementary; Middle School

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