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Resource: Book (BKJ02119) Every valley : Advent with the scriptures of Handel's Messiah     
Author: Jessica Kelley
Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press, 2014
Vendor: The Thoughtful Christian
Length: 160 pgs
Heading: J-02 — Special Seasons / Advent
Subjects: advent devotional; Christmas; Handel
Location: J02
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780664259983
Description: Handel's Messiah is one of the most beloved musical works of the western world, playing an especially sentimental role in many people's Christmas traditions. The text of the work has turned many otherwise forgettable phrases into memorable, singable, cherished lines of Scripture.
Forty reflections journey in order through Messiah, taking the reader deeper into less-often studied texts like Malachi 3:3 and bringing new light to popular passages like Luke 2:9-14. Each reflection offers the text from Messiah, the same passage in NRSV, and a brief devotion on the text. HC, 6 x 9", 175 pp.
Age Groups: None specified.

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