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Resource: DVD (d2060=) The Greatest Story     
Author: Joe Castillo
Publisher: Augsburg, 2011
Vendor: Augsburg
Length: 150 mins
Subjects: Bible Stories; Bible Study; Bible Study: NT; Bible Study: OT; Bible/History, Archaeology; Faith; small group; Spirituality; Young Adult
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451401523
Description: Are you intimidated by the idea of Bible study? Are you new to The Bible? Does the Bible seem relevant? Or have you studied The Bible so much that you know it all? If you answered yes (or even if you answered no) to any of these questions, you may find The Greatest Story to be the best story you have ever discovered.

Designed for anyone who wants a big-picture overiew of the Bible, its stories, and how those stories connect with us, this resource takes you on a journey that starts at the very beginning of God's good creation and quickly moves through the very human stories that make up The Bible. Featuring the sand art of Joe Castillo, this study is new, different, and appealling to young adults as well as older adults. Participants engage in storytelling, visual sand art presentations, reflections on selected Psalms, discussions, and creative projects to help them see how The Bible is a living book that is truly relevant to their lives.

The resource includes a DVD, participant book, leader book and CD ROM with helpful charts, maps, illustrations and diagrams. There is plenty of material here allowing for creative use of lessons that can last an hour or more depending on facilitator and group participant preferences.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

Resources in this series:

  • (d2061) The Greatest Story: Jesus
  • (d2062) The Greatest Story: Paul

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