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Resource: Books (B1021) Speaking Out: Gifts of Ministering Undeterred by Disabilities     
Author: Robert L. Walker
Publisher: Create Space Inc, 2012
Vendor: Create Space Inc.
Length: 254 Pages
Subjects: Abuse; Clergy Mentoring; Congregational Development; Diversity; Diversity Training; Faith Sharing; Leadership Development; United Methodist Church
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781475188448
Description: This book edited by Robert L. Walker, retired UMC pastor, is a compilation of personal stories written by clergy and lay pastors regarding their experiences with the church and their personal ministry in the context of living with disabilities. While some have found the church to be welcoming, helpful, and respectful of their different gifts and abilities, many more have experienced sadness and pain caused by how the church responded to them as pastors with a disability.

This book raises awareness and shares personal stories that inspire as well as challege us to do a better of job of including all people in the church and including differently-abled persons in pastoral leadership positions. It is an eye-opening book that offers much for lay persons and clergy to reflect upon as we seek to grow in grace like Jesus and transform the world by making Christian disciples.
Age Groups: Adult (30-55)

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