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Resource: DVD (D5607) Poets/Prophets/Preachers     
Author: Rob Bell
Length: 60 mins
Subjects: Clergy Mentoring; Leadership Development; Sermon Illustrations; Worship
# Copies: 1
Description: A live film from Rob Bell focusing on the art of sermon development. Sessions are:
1) The Original Guerrilla Theatre (55:18)--From the prophets to Jesus all the way to the 1960s the sermon has played a vital role in shaping culture often at great cost to the one giving the sermon, which raises the queston: Who would ever want to give a sermon?
2) Beginning in the Beginning (56:26)--A sermon tells the story, the big story about who we are and why we are here and where it is all headed which of course raises the all important questions: what is that story and what does it invite us to be and do?
3) The Science of Homiletical Architecture (1:21:32)How does a sermon get arranged? Which parts go where? Why are some teachings riveting and time flies, while others have you checking your watch five minutes in?
4) Radar, Buckets, Chunks, and the Marinade (1:06:44)--Where do sermons come from? Are there practices and disciplines to finding content? How can I not stare at a blank screen when I'm preparing? How does a fragment of an idea become an engaging event?
5) Death by Paper Cuts (47:26) The One Thing That Changed Everything
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55)

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