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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (d5071) John Wesley: The Proud Methodist     
Publisher: 2002
Subjects: United Methodism/History, Membership; Wesley, John
# Copies: 2
Description: DVD Version of John Wesley: The Proud Methodist. Inform people about the early influences on Wesley's life, his growth and development as a minister; and the unfolding story of the movement he inspired. Put people in touch with the man, his original ideas, his boundless energy, and his unusual courage. Show the earliest beginnings of the church that carried his message into the world. Length: 27 minutes.

Feedback from user says they used this DVD with people aged 36 and that the story was well-told. Very informative. Extremely useful in stimulating conversation.
Age Groups: Middle School; High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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