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Resource: DVD (D4600) NOOMA: You     
Series: (D4180=) NOOMA
Author: Rob Bell
Publisher: Zondervan, 2007
Vendor: EcuFilm
Length: 13 mins
Subjects: choices; Christian Living; Community; Early Church; English/Hispanic; Faith; Spirituality; Young Adult; Youth Group
# Copies: 2
Description: Theme: Insight into circumstances that surrounded the first people of the Christian movement to better understand ourselves. Maybe some of the claims of the Christian faith that we typically perceive to be unique aren't really that special at all; and at the same time maybe we don't always put enough emphasis on the things that truly should matter in our lives.

Language sub-titles include: English, French, German, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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