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Resource: DVD (D4534) NOOMA: Breathe     
Series: (D4180=) NOOMA
Author: Rob Bell
Publisher: Zondervan, 2006
Vendor: EucFilm
Length: 12 mins
Subjects: Christian Living; Community; English/Hispanic; Faith; Spirituality; Young Adult; Youth Group
# Copies: 2
Description: Theme: Throughout our everyday lives we don't pay much attention to the way we breathe, do we? Yet, for thousands of years, people have understood that our physical breath is actually a picture of a deeper spiritual reality. Ancient rabbis believed that the letters in God's name functioned like vowels in the Hebrew language and that the name of God is unpronounceable because the letters together are essentially the sound of breathing. If the name of God is the sound of breathing how does that change the way your view yourself and others as living beings? In the biblical context the word for breath and spirit are the same. Does this affect your view of yourself and others? Is God's spirit in us because we are breathing?

Language sub-titles include: English, French, German, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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