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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Book (B6280) Way of the Child, The: Helping Children Experience God (Church Pack)     
Author: McGregor, Wynn
Publisher: Upper Room, 2006
Subjects: Children and Worship; Christian Education; Passionate Spirituality
Location: Christian Education: Children
# Copies: 1
Description: Meeting the needs of children’s spirituality, Way of the Child, provides a contemplative and formulaic approach to providing resources that both teach the Bible and the basics of faith. The need is overwhelming; it is time to move past primarily providing information, to a resource that is attentive to the ever-changing needs and desires involved in cultivating spirituality for children. This is a distinctive resource, not unlike Rotation Model and the traditional Sunday school curriculum, which provides balance when compared to the more active, informational models. In a world where we are always rushing to get from one place to another, Way of the Child offers a calming, centering, meditation style, which deepens a child’s connection to God. Includes Introduction DVD, Music CD, and Resource Booklet
Age Groups: Preschool; Lower elementary; Upper Elementary

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