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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Book (B8224) Passover: What it Means and Why It Matters     
Author: Evan Moffic
Publisher: Abingdon, 2014
Subjects: Judaism; Lent/Easter
# Copies: 1
Description: Rabbi Moffic weaves together theology, history, Jewish practices and customs, and Christianity bringing a unique voice to Christian readersthat may alter how Christians prepare for Easter and mark Communion.
Rabbi Moffic begins with Jewish history and the Hebrew Bible to demonstrate how these form the root of Christianity. Some of the main principles he addresses in the book include:

· Jewish practices and observances and their influence on Christianity
· Jewish Passover Seder and how to integrate it into Christians' Easter preparation
· Root of numerous modern Christian practices, including the Eucharist and Communion
· Inspiration and wisdom of the Hebrew Scriptures
· Understanding and appreciation of the culture in which Jesus lived
Age Groups: None specified.

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