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Resource: Book (B4256) The Secret Message of Jesus: Uncovering the Truth That Could Change Everything     
Author: McLaren, Brian D
Publisher: Thomas Nelson publishers, 2006
Length: 265 pages
Subjects: Theology
Location: main room
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780849918926
Description: When Brian McLaren began offering an alternative vision of Christian faith and life in books such as A New Kind of Christian and A Generous Orthodoxy, he ignited a firestorm of praise and condemnation that continues to spread across the religious landscape. To some religious conservatives, McLaren is a dangerous rebel without a doctrinally-correct cause. Some fundamentalist websites have even claimed he's in league with the devil and have consigned him to flames. To others though, Brian is a fresh voice, a welcome antidote to the staleness, superficiality, and negativity of the religious status quo. A wide array of people from Evangelical, Catholic, and Mainline Protestant backgrounds claim that through his books they have begun to rediscover the faith they'd lost or rejected. And around the world, many readers say that he has helped them find-for the first time in their lives-a faith that makes sense and rings true. For many, he articulates the promise of what is being called emerging Christianity.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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