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Resource: DVD (DVD145) How Lutherans Interpret The Bible     
Author: Powell, Dr. Mark Allan
Publisher: Select Multimedia Resources, 2006
Length: 180 mins
Subjects: Theology
Location: DVD shelf
# Copies: 2
Description: Two DVDs and one CD Rom comprise this package by Dr. Mark Allen Powell. He's a Lutheran pastor and Bible professor at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Ohio. This package is for Lutheran laity about how Lutherans interpret the Bible. Dr. Powell's insights on the Bible are shared through seven sessions and offer views for Bible studies and interpretations for multiple denominations of the Christian faith. Contents are: The Word of God; What Lutherans Say About the Bible; Where the Bible Comes From; Interpreting the Bible in Context; Determining Right from Wrong; The Many Meanings of the Bible; Devotional Bible Reading. Excellent adult study.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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