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Resource: Book (B2941) Really Bad Girls of the Bible Workbook     
Author: Higgs, Liz Curtis
Publisher: Waterbrook Press, 2002
Length: 138 pages
Subjects: Women
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781578565467
Description: Since the release of Bad Girls of the Bible, Really Bad Girls of the Bible, and Unveiling Mary Magdalene, women like you have clamored for more - more in-depth teaching in a workbook format, more information on using the books in small-group studies, and more ways to share the grace and sovereignty of God. Now, that hands-on help is available in three practical workbooks that will make God's Word, and the stories of your biblical sisters, come alive for you! "Judging by the letters and emails rolling in, Really Bad Girls of the Bible has been embraced by women of all ages, all stages, and all walks of life. (Thank you, Lord!) From dorm rooms to prison cells, nursing homes to mom's play groups, women like you are discovering how much they have in common with these sisters from another time and place. Now…are you ready to dive in and let the Lord teach you something new?" from the author.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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