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Resource: Book (B2128) When God Speaks Through Change     
Author: Satterlee, Craig A.
Publisher: Alban Institute, 2005
Length: 187 pages
Subjects: Worship
# Copies: 1
Description: Preaching in Times of Congregational Transition. In this third volume in the series, Craig Satterlee addresses the question of how worship (and particularly preaching) might best respond to times of significant congregational transition. The vast majority of published perspectives and resources for preaching and worship unwittingly assume a level of constancy in congregational life, taking for granted that the congregation will have the resources (emotional and otherwise) to absorb some significant new message or practice. However,.... "Craig Satterlee reflects on the rich and defining way in which the sermon can aid congregations as they face and make transitions. Satterlee has a pastoral heart and knows how to think critically and theologically. His pastoral colleagues will benefit from his seasoned wisdom." from the review by Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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