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Resource: Curriculum (CR253) Romans Leader's Guide: Kerygma     
Series: (CR253=) Romans: Kerygma
Author: Nagel, Myra B./Greeves, Trish Towle
Publisher: The Kerygma Program, 2001
Length: 164 pages
Subjects: Education; Men; Personal Growth; Women
# Copies: 1
Description: Kerygma Program: A Letter for Today. "No one is neutral about Paul. People either love him or hate him. Some see him as the greatest theologian of all time; others see him as an antifeminist and anti Semite. Some see him as the strong, gentle poet who wrote a great poem about love; others see him as a bully. The fact is that many of our conceptions about Paul are not based on sound historical judgments. These sessions will challenge readers to reassess their own understanding about Paul; for some this may be painful, but it can open the way to a richer and more exciting Paul. Many owe their understanding of Paul to the book of Acts and a rich legacy of Reformation traditions...In the past fifteen years Pauline scholars have learned that our first source for understanding Paul must be the letters. Acts was written a generation after Paul's death and the corporate memory had begun to fade. Acts and the letters will not always agree....When we are dealing with points of historical accuracy then the letters from Paul's own hands must always take precedence." from the first lesson.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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