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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Curriculum (CURR522) Eagle Flights: Native Americans and the Christian Faith     
Author: Branson L Thurston, ed
Publisher: Cokesbury, 1996
Length: 40 Pages
Subjects: Multicultural Ministries; Native American
Location: 97 - Multicultural
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780687757879
Description: Native American or Indian?
Ch 1: Stories Tell the Truth
Ch 2: Creation and the Created
Ch 3: When Creation Goes Wrong
Ch 4: A People Are Created
Ch 5: The Removal of a People
Ch 6: A People With Hope
Materials: Student Book, Leader's Guide
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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