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Resource: Curriculum (CURR521) Teacher Enrichment Series     
Author: Various
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress, 1994
Length: 32 Pages
Subjects: Children's Ministry; Church Year; Faith Development; Faith Formation; Stewardship; Sunday School ; Teacher Enrichment; Worship; Worship with Children
Location: 21 - Teacher Education
# Copies: 1
Description: Teacher Enrichment Series
+Liturgy and Learning in the Classroom (2 copies)
Ch 1: Helping Children Understand Worship
Ch 2: Liturgical Teaching
Ch 3: The Teaching Environment--Making Learning Worshipful
Ch 4: Teaching Through the Church Year
Ch 5: Additional Resources
+Sharing God's Mission in the Classroom
Ch 1: Come, I Will Send You
Ch 2: All One in Christ Jesus
Ch 3 Behod, I Make All Things New
+Teaching Young Stewards
Ch 1: Getting Started
Ch 2: What the Church Teaches about Stewardship
Ch 3: Who Am I as a Steward and How Am I Doing?
Ch 4: Where Are the Children?
Ch 5: Determining Goals, Program Elements, Resources, and Settings
Ch 6: Learning from One Another: Stewardship Ideas for all Ages
+Sharing Faith in the Classroom (2 copies)
Ch 1: Who Do You Say I Am?
Ch 2: If We Are Silent
Ch 3: Lead from Up Front
Ch 4: Behold, I AM Doing A New Thing
+Age-Level Development (2 copies)
+ Creative Teaching (2 copies)
Ch 1: Teachers and Learners
Ch 2: Different Learning Styles
Ch 3: Learning Styles for All Groups of Learners
Ch 4L Off to a Good Start
Materials: 6 books in the series
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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