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Resource: Book (Bk1287) Pentecost Alphabet     
Author: Phyllis Vos Wezeman
Publisher: Educational Ministries, 1994
Heading: CY3 — Pentecost
Subjects: Children; Church Year; Worship
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781877871641
Description: **Taken from the book summary on the back cover and/or preface pages**

Penecost Alphabet contains learning experiences based on the Jewish holiday of Pentecost, commemorated fifty days after Passoever; the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, celebrated fifty days after Easter; and the season of the church year, observed in many traditions, untl the eginning of Advent.
Age Groups: Preschool; Elementary; Tween; Middle School; High School; Young Adult (18-25); Adult (25-55); Adult (55+)

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