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Resource: Book (BKS08001) Principios Luteranos - Lutheran Basics (Spanish Version)     
Author: Gaede, Beth Ann & Marcrander, Margaret
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress, 2000
Vendor: Augsburg Fortress
Length: 23 pages
Heading: S-S08 — Special Topics / Spansih Resources
Subjects: Catechumenate; Lutheran Basics; Lutheran Beliefs; Lutheranism; Spanish Resources
Location: S08
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780806639499
Description: El recurso sobre "Los Fundamentos Básicos de la Teologia Luterana," es un recurso que se ha adaptado al español para ayudar al creyente a crecer en entendimiento, apreciación y direccion de la fe cristiana. El lector podrá examinar estas enseñanzas cristianas desde una perspectiva luterana.
El recurso ayudará al creyente a dialogar con nayor connfianza y seguridad sobre la fe y la tradición luterana; mientras que continua afianzando su relación con el Dios a quien confesamos como nuestro Creador, Redentor y Santificador.

This resource, "The Basic Principles of Lutheran Theology," is an adaptation into Spanish that will aid the believer to grow in understanding, appreciation, and direction of the Christian faith. The reader will examine a basic outline of the Christian faith from a Lutheran perspective. It will also guide the believer to share the Christian faith and Lutheran tradition, with confidence and certainity, while continuing to strengthen his or her relationship with God whom we confess as our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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