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Resource: Curriculum (CUE03033=) re:form     
Publisher: sparkhouse, 2010
Vendor: Augsburg Fortress
Heading: E-E03 — Christian Ed/Faith Formation / Confirmation
Subjects: Bible; Christianity; Confirmation; Creed; Discipleship; Jesus; Young Adult; Youth Curriculum
Location: E03
Description: re:form is designed as a confirmation curriculum that's rooted in historic Christianity but speaks to youth on their level. re:form empowers participants to discover for themselves what they believe. This curriculum is about exploration rather than indoctrination, and works well for small or larger groups. Lessons incorporate three components: Encounter - animated short films that frame tough theological questions; Engage - the Anti-Workbook is a journal filled with activities and ideas that form the centerpiece of each student's experience; and, Respond - youth create stuff to share what they have been learning with the whole congregation. Could also be used with senior high or young adult classes.
Age Groups: Middle School; High School

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