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Resource: Book (BK8ED100) Connections Year B Volume 2 Lent Thru Pentecost     
Publisher: Westminister John Knox, 2020
Length: 332 pages
Heading: 8-ED — 8 / ED
Location: Theology & Worship
# Copies: 2
Description: Designed to empower preachers as they lead their congregations to connect their lives to Scripture, Connections features a broad set of interpretive tools that provide commentary and worship aids on the Revised Common Lectionary. This nine-volume series offers creative commentary on each reading through the lens of its connections to the rest of Scripture and then seeing the reading through the lenses of culture, film, fiction, ethics, and other aspects of contemporary life. Commentaries on the Psalms make connections to other readings and to the congregation's experience of worship.

Connections is published in partnership with Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
Age Groups: None specified.

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