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Resource: Book (BK2EC032) Whence and Whither on lives and living     
Author: Lynch, Thomas
Publisher: Westminister John Knox, 1989
Length: 231 pages
Heading: 2-EC — 2 / EC
# Copies: 1
Description: From one of our most gifted writers and thinkers about death and the meaning of living comes a collection of writings about “what comes next.” Thomas Lynch, funeral director, poet, and author of the National Book Award finalist The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade, has an uncanny knack for writing about death in ways that are never morbid, always thoughtful, often humorous, and quite moving. From his account of riding in the hearse at the funeral of poet laureate Seamus Heaney, to his recounting of the funeral for a young child in the 1800s, to his compelling essay about his own mortality, Lynch always finds ways to make sense of senseless things, as he ponders what will come next.
Age Groups: None specified.

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