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Resource: Book (BK8AX154) Holy Spirit: Here and Now     
Author: Hudson, Trevor
Vendor: amazon
Heading: 8-AX — 8 / AX
Subjects: Holy spirit; Pentecost; small group study
# Copies: 1
Description: he Holy Spirit dwells in you, urging you forward in your desire to develop a deeper relationship with God. In Holy Spirit Here and Now, Trevor Hudson invites you to move beyond "religion as usual" into an adventure of restoration, renewal and transformation. The Spirit brings about a renovation of our entire lives: emotions, body, soul, relationships, vocation--all become an arena for the Holy Spirit's work.
Trevor Hudson shares his personal journey, and practical guidance to help you experience the Holy Spirit's movement in your life. His simple exercises help you invite the Holy Spirit into every area of your life--here and now.
Age Groups: None specified.

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