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Resource: Curriculum (500025) Rolling River Rampage VBS Kit     
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 2017
Vendor: Cokesbury
Heading: CE — Christian Education
Subjects: Christian Education; Vacation Bible School
Location: Christian Education
# Copies: 1
Description: Experience the Ride of a Lifetime with God! This kit includes the Adventure Video DVD & CD-ROM (assembly video segments and dialogues), the Decorating and Publicity CD-ROM, the Music Video DVD, the Complete Music CD, Bible story poster pack (set of 5), decorating poster pack (set of 11), activity center signs (set of 9), additional small signs, and the following books: director, assembly leader, Bible storyteller, craft leader, decorating guide, music leader, recreation leader, reflection time leader, science leader, and leader guides for the following age groups – preschool/kindergarten, elementary, and youth. Daily themes and scriptures: 1) Find adventure on the river!: Jesus calls the disciples (Mt. 4:18-25); 2) Find acceptance on the river!: Jesus accepts Mary and Martha (Lk. 10:38-42); 3) Find joy on the river!: Jesus walks with Zacchaeus (Lk. 19:1-10); 4) Find rest on the river!: Jesus shares a special meal (Lk. 22:14-20); 5) Find peace on the river!: Jesus makes a promise (Mt. 28:16-20). Note: items in kits are not to be copied. An optional 26”-tall hand puppet of Romper the River Otter is also available to borrow (see #500035).
Age Groups: None specified.

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