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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (109066) I Still Believe: Finding Hope and Joy in Life’s Darkest Moments     
Author: Idleman, Kyle
Publisher: City on a Hill Productions, 2020
Vendor: Amazon
Length: 69 Minutes
Heading: SPIRI — Spiritual Life
Subjects: Adult Studies, General; Christian,Spiritual Life/Discipleship
Location: Spiritual Life
# Copies: 2
Description: This five-session DVD study features interviews with Jeremy Camp and his wife Adrienne Camp, along with pastoral teaching from best-selling author Kyle Idleman. Together they share their true testimony of redemption and hope along with the lessons God has instilled through life’s struggles and pain. Each episode will also contain select scenes from the movie ‘I Still Believe.’ Sessions: 1) You are my hope (12 min.); 2) You are faithful (14 min.); 3) You are here (13 min.); 4) You are good (14 min.); 5) You are for me (16 min.). Includes leader's guide and sample participant's guide/journal. CLOSED CAPTIONED
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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