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Resource: DVD (109043) Israel's Mission: Becoming a Kingdom of Priests in a Prodigal World     
Author: Vander Laan, Ray
Publisher: Zondervan, 2015
Vendor: Cokesbury
Length: 160 Minutes
Heading: SPIRI — Spiritual Life
Subjects: Adult Studies, General; Bible-Life and Time; Bible: New Testament; Bible: Old Testament; Bible: Parables
Location: Spiritual Life
# Copies: 4
ISBN/ISSN: 9780310811992
Description: FAITH LESSONS Volume 13. God gave an assignment to His people thousands of years ago: Bring 'lost sheep' back into the love and safety of His kingdom. It's still our task today. Filmed in Israel and Jordan, Ray Vander Laan helps you discover the mission that can give your live, and the lives of those around you, greater meaning than you ever imagined. Five lessons: 1) Abraham and Sarah and three strangers - Negev, Israel (33 min); 2) Israel at Sinai: The first great commission - Timnah, Israel (33 min.); 3) Jesus renews his mission: Seeking the lost - Qatzrin, Israel (31 min.); 4) The lost son: In a far country - Jerash, Jordan (31 min.); 5) The seeking father: The lost son returns - Qatzrin, Israel (32 min.). Part of the 'That the World May Know' series. Includes leader's guide and sample participant book ('Discovery Guide'). CLOSED CAPTIONED.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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