East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (NOTGIG) Not Forsaken; Finding Freedom as Sons & Daughters of a Perfect Father     
Author: Giglio, Louie
Publisher: Lifeway Christian Resources, 2019
Vendor: ChristianBook.com
Length: 6 sessions
Heading: PSG — Personal Spiritual Growth
Subjects: God as our Father
Location: PSG
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781535970174
Description: We all long for our father's approval. Our earthly fathers may have been the best, the worst, or somewhere in between, but no matter how amazing, absent, abusive or empowering our fathers were, they fell short. All fathers do, yet the primary ways Scripture reveals God to us is as Father. In the Not Forsaken Bible Study and Christian book for men and women, Louie Giglio introduces readers to the breakthrough possibility that regardless of life's circumstances, a perfect relationship between fathers and sons / daughters can be ours when we follow through Jesus Christ. (6 sessions)

In this Bible study kit, Louie leads you down the path to finding God and understanding how to know God as your one true father. This kit is ideal for group Bible studies. Along with the group sessions, you will also find personal-study opportunities to assist in daily readings & daily devotionals for both young men and women.


- Videos and session previews featuring author Louie Giglio
- Six small group sessions
- Personal-study opportunities between group sessions for ongoing spiritual growth
- Promotional Video
- Social-media assets for group leader

- Discover the way your relationship with your earthly father affects your relationship with your heavenly Father
- See God in light of Scripture as your perfect Father
- Learn what it means to know God as father
- Understand that God knows and loves you
- Trust God and His ability to care for you
- Find freedom in your identity as a son or daughter of God
- Forgive your father for the hurts of your past
- Live in the blessing that comes from knowing God as your father
Materials: 2 DVD
Participant's Guide
Links:Session 1 Preview: https://www.christianbook.com/not-forsaken-bible-study-book/louie-giglio/9781535970167/pd/970160?event=ESRCG
Trailer: https://www.christianbook.com/not-forsaken-bible-study-book/louie-giglio/9781535970167/pd/970160?event=ESRCG
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-65); Adult (65+)

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