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Resource: Book (BKD02048) Religions in St. Louis: A Strong Heritage     
Author: Jacobs, Robert P. (ed.)
Publisher: Interfaith Clergy Council, 1976
Length: 150 pgs
Heading: D-02 — ECUMINISM/OTHER RELIGIONS / Interfaith
# Copies: 1
Description: In St. Louis' earliest history men lived in a primitive frontier society surviving through struggle and cunning and grabbing raw power in a place virtually without law and social control.

Into that place in those early days came men of religion. Their gift, was civilization itself. They created little cells of fellowship, groups of men and women who cared for each other, who thus made possible the warmth of community. A small island of religion in a broad scattering of humanity, each brought its own distinctive gift to its own adherentsand to others. And in every group stood a remarkable leader.
Age Groups: Adult (30-55)

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