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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Book (BK70057) 5th and 6th Grade Smart Pages     
Author: Wes Haystead and Tom Prinz
Publisher: Gospel Light, 1996
Length: 157 Pages
Subjects: Children's Ministries; Children's Ministries Activities; Children's Ministries Games; Youth Ministry; Youth Ministry Games
Location: 5 - Books
# Copies: 1
Description: Ever wish you could see into the minds of your fifth and sixth graders? Long for a bottomless bag of tricks for getting your point across to kids in this restless age group?
This book is a treasure-chest of reproducible, down-to-earth ministry ideas, certain to boost your effectiveness in ways you've never imagined. In it you'll find:
- Reproducible articles full of ideas, advice and answers on topics ranging from building community in the classroom to leading a young person to Christ. Use these bite-sized, quickly digestible gems of wisdom to support and train teachers and leaders of fifth and sixth graders.
-24 articles written by an experienced counselor and school psychologist to help parents cope with this challenging, transitional age group.
-Games for Bible memory, Bible story review, life application and just for tun.
-Clip art to illustrate newsletters, flyers, handouts and more.
Age Groups: Upper Elementary; Middle School

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