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Resource: Curriculum (CUR2548) Simon Peter: Flawed But Faithful Disciple - Youth Edition     
Author: Mike Poteet
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 2018
Length: 64 Pages
Subjects: Christian Life/Discipleship; Youth Ministry; Youth Ministry Curriculum
Location: 11 - Study Guides
# Copies: 1
Description: He was not rich or educated, but was familiar with hard work. He was quick-tempered and impetuous, but possessed a passion that would change the world. He left everything to follow his teacher, yet struggled with doubt and fear.
Based on Adam Hamilton's study Simon Peter: Flawed But Faithful Disciple, this Youth Edition contains everything needed for a group study for young people grades 6-12. It includes quotations from Simon Peter as well as lesson plans, discussion questions, and activities for youth leaders.
Six sessions:
1. The Call of the Fisherman
2. Walking with Jesus in the Storms
3. Bedrock or Stumbling Block?
4. "I Will Not Deny You"
5. From Cowardice to Courage
6. The Rest of the Story
Age Groups: None specified.

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