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Resource: Book (BK7388) Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work     
Author: Jim Tomberlin & Warren Bird
Publisher: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2012
Length: 252 Pages
Subjects: Church Growth; Congregational Vitalization
Location: 10 - Books
# Copies: 1
Description: Tomberlin and Bird make the case that mergers today work best not with two struggling churches but with a vital, momentum-filled lead church partnering with one or more joining churches. Based on solid research and practical experience, the authors provide a hands-on guide so that lead churches and joining churches can each understand the issues, select an appropriate model, and develop strategies that will create a positive, healthy merger.

This much-needed resource describes the range of mergers for strong, stable, stuck, and struggling churches. While many congregations are motivated by survival, an increasing number identify "mission" as their primary impetus. No matter what type of merger a church may be considering, the authors address key questions about the process: How can a merger help a church go forward? How will a merger process unfold? Where can a declining church find another congregation to join? What are the pitfalls that both pastor and congregation should avoid? How can "better together" lead to more, rather than fewer, life-giving, high-impact, reproducing churches?

No matter what your motivation for merging your church with another -- to begin a new church lifecycle, cross racial lines, reach more people for Christ, multiply your church's impact, or better serve your local community -- Better Together will give you the tools you need to create a thriving new entity.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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