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Resource: DVD (DVD1688) The Best Question Ever: Learning to Foolproof Your Life     
Author: Andy Stanley
Publisher: North Point Ministries, 2004
Subjects: Adult Studies; Bible Study; Christian Life/Discipleship
Location: 3
# Copies: 1
Description: Prepare yourself. You are about to be introduced to a single question that will revolutionize the way you make decisions.
Andy Stanley has shared the power of this question with thousands of students and adults all over the country. Designed for small group or personal use, this study will take you through the process of making wise decisions.

Six lessons:
Part 1: The Best Question Ever
Part 2: Musical Chairs
Part 3: Living on the Edge
Part 4: Time Bandits
Part 5: A Little Help from our Friends
Part 6: The Best Decision Ever

Includes a study guide with a leader's guide in the back of it.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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