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Resource: DVD (DVD1687) Life Rules: Instructions for Life     
Author: Andy Stanley
Publisher: North Point Ministries, 2005
Subjects: adult ministry ; Bible Study; Christian Life/Discipleship
Location: 3
# Copies: 1
Description: In kindergarten, ignoring the rules was a blast -- especially if you could get away with it. But as adults, we understand that rules are for our protection…and that if we break God's rules, we cause heartache and broken relationships. This DVD clearly explains God's basic set of life rules, which, when lived, hold the power to improve your current relationships and mend hurting ones. It's never too late to learn, relearn, and follow the parameters God clearly outlines for His people.
Six lessons:
Part 1: Rules of Engagement
Part 2: Free to Forgive
Part 3: The Act of Acceptance
Part 4: It's Your Serve
Part 5: The Courage to Encourage
Part 6: I Submit.

Included is a study guide with discussion questions, and a leader's guide in the back of it.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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