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Resource: Curriculum (CUR2510) Credo: 8 Week Teaching Plans copy #2     
Publisher: Cokesbury, 2011
Length: 144 Pages
Subjects: Confirmation; Grace; Youth Ministry; Youth Ministry Curriculum
Location: 11
# Copies: 1
Description: *For Preview Only*
Know Your Story. Confirm Your Faith. Live Your Commitment
Confirmation in the United Methodist tradition is a rite through which young Christians affirm the faith of the church, renew the vows of baptism, and commit to lives of discipleship as professing members of The United Methodist Church.
Credo Confirmation Teaching Plans for 8 Weeks provides 8 easy-to-follow 90-minute confirmation class session plans, along with information and resources for incorporating mentoring relationships, worship, service, and Christian education into your confirmation program. It also includes plans for 2 confirmation retreats.
The sessions in this book are organized around three primary teaching objectives:
1. Know Your Story: Gives confirmands a basic knowledge and understanding of the Christian story, as contained in the Old and New Testaments and the history of the church.
2. Confirm Your Faith: Teaches confirmands about the core beliefs, practices, and emphases of United Methodist Christians.
3. Live Your Commitment: Explores with confirmands the vows that they will take if they choose to be confirmed so that they understand the commitment they will be making and the expectations that come with being confirmed as a professing member of The United Methodist Church.
Age Groups: Young Adult

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