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Resource: Book (B4020) Faithful Resistance: Gospel Visions for the Church in a Time of Empire     
Author: Rick Ufford-Chase
Publisher: 2015
Length: 2242 Pages
Subjects: Church Conflict; Racism
Location: 4
# Copies: 1
Description: The author has touched the deep longing that exists in so many of who are Christian in the United States, and responded with ideas that offer a future we know God has in store for us but can't seem to imagine is really possible. This is a book we should read and discuss with friends who share our longing and are ready to take a risk. If this books stays in our heads, it fails and we fail. If we use it as a springboard for daring, it is quite likely to change everything about being church.

Fourteen conributing authors offer their ideas for ways to move the Christian church to a place of faithfulness in the midst of the empire. The author shares concrete suggestions for bringing us home to the heart of the gospel.
Age Groups: None specified.

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