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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Kit (K193) Soul Keeping     
Author: Ortberg, John
Publisher: Zondervan, 2014
Length: 205 Pages
Subjects: Personal Development; Spirituality
Location: 3E /s
# Copies: 1
Description: Bestselling author John Ortberg presents a spiritually satisfying classic that will help you rediscover your soul --- the most important connection to God there is --- and find your way out of the spiritual shallow-lands to true divine depth.

Includes hardback book, study guide and DVD

Six sessions:
1. What is the Soul?
2. The Struggle of the Soul
3. What the Soul Needs
4. Thr Practice of Grace
5. The Practice of Gratitude
6. The Practice of Growth
Age Groups: None specified.

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