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Resource: Kit (K156) Nooma 001-006     
Author: Bell, Rob
Publisher: Zondervan
Subjects: Faith; Spirituality
Location: 2W/YM
# Copies: 1
Description: Nooma is a series of short films that explore our world from a perspective of Jesus. Nooma is an invitation to search, question, and join the discussion.

1. Rain - 11 min.
Where's God when life isn't going like we want it to?

2. Flame - 11 min.
Could love the the most misunderstood and misused word in our vocabulary?

3. Trees - 13 min.
Do our lives even matter?

4. Sunday - 12 min.
Do we get so wrapped up in religion that we miss out on what's important to God?

5. Noise - 10 min.
Why are we so afraid of silence?

6. Kickball - 11 min.
If God really cares aboout us, why don't we have what we want?
Age Groups: None specified.

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