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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (DVD129) A CLEAR VIEW OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS (4 40-minute DVD lectures)     
Author: Kenneth E. Bailey
Publisher: Middle Eastern New Testament Studies, 2007
Length: 120 Mins
Subjects: Bible Study
Location: 2S/Christmas
# Copies: 1
Description: "Why didn't Mary and Joseph go to Elizabeth's house for the birth of Jesus? She lived nearby!

Why was the town of Bethlehem so hard-hearted that no private home would take them in if there was 'no room in the in?'

If the Holy Family was in a dirty stable, why didn't the shepherds 9nvite them at once to their own homes?

In these four hald-hour lectures Dr. Bailey brings fresh answers to these and other questions regarding the Christmas story."
Age Groups: None specified.

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