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Resource: Book (B4140) Sailboat Church     
Author: Joan Gray
Publisher: Westminater/John Knox, 2014
Length: 158 Pages
Subjects: Church Development; Church Leadership
Location: 1W/cd
# Copies: 1
Description: Spiritual truth generally comes to us in seed form, and whether or not the seed bears fruit depends to a large degree on how we nurture it. I have included in this book reflection/discussion questions to help you in the nurturing process. My prayer is that groups of church members will read and discuss Sailboat Church together, praying for God to help them raise the sails and navigate God's church into God's future, It is still true that God "by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we could ever ask or imagine" (Eph 3:20),
Age Groups: None specified.

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